Wednesday, December 15, 2010
A Slice of Life

Thursday, December 2, 2010
Resorting to Crazy Bands
Monday, October 11, 2010
Battle of Wills: No one wins
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Less Post, More Time with Kids!

The reason I have not been able to post lately is that my husband and I have come to an agreement. We only open our laptops or watch T.V. if our kids are asleep. If they are still awake, we have to spend our time with them. We have been so busy lately and we were spending less time with the kids, which is not good at all. The result, we have a happier set of kids! Leaving them each morning to go to the office is more difficult now since I'm the one having the anxiety attacks. My friends tell me that it's separation anxiety. Haha. Nevertheless, I can't wait to get home everytime the clock strikes 5pm... See you soon, angels!
Monday, July 26, 2010
A Short Post: Micah's Progress
Saturday, July 17, 2010
A Lady Turns 60 In A Red Dress

Monday, June 28, 2010
A Determined Micah
I'm writing this blog because i want to make a mental (and i guess literary) note of Micah's progress. Micah and Pia were just finishing their dinner. When Micah saw me, she squealed in delight and began sauntering towards me in her mini little "duck walk" (she had just learned to walk independently) way - I didn't know that was even possible! I guess it's because she had on a pirate smile. When she reached me, she threw her whole body towards me, so obvious in her trust that i would catch her.
Then she made a motion, this new- found eager way of telling me that she wanted me to nurse her. I could almost hear her add, "this instant. Mama!". Since she was not yet done wid dinner (wanting to skip directly to milk and sleeping), i tried to distract her by swinging her in the air several times. The trick worked for a bit but when i put her down on the floor, she made a beeline for the door to our bedroom. I was puzzled. Until i realized that she wanted to get inside our room because that's where i always nurse her until she fell asleep! As the French would say it, "Incroyable!" Incredible, indeed.
I love you, Micah.
Monday, June 14, 2010
A happy colon, a happy me
Tips for a better digestion: (I am currently trying my best to follow these tips) Source: Colonzone.org

1. Don't Eat Too Much
It sounds simple, but it's true.
How much should you eat? Well, only eat as much as you can carry using 2 hands. If you eat more than this, it can put a burden in your digestive system. It won't matter if you eat the most organic, natural fo
ods in the planet, if you eat too much it will cause more harm that good. Overeating is one of the main causes of acid reflux.

3. Have Your Meals 3 meals apart.
I know everyone loves to have their snacks, but our stomach and intestines need time to digest your food. 1 hour isn't going to cut it. So, please cut down on those desserts, potato chips, and snack foods. Try to eat regular meals spaced apart equally throughout the day.

4. Eat in a Comfortable Atmosphere
Don't eat in a high stress environment. Eat at a place where you can be attentive to your meal. The environment should be relaxing - not tense. When you eat, chew your food slowly, and use your saliva! It's part of your digestive system too you know.

5. Don't Eat After 8 PM
Why? Well, our digestive system is usually weaker during the evening. If you must have a huge meal, eat it during lunch instead. A lot of people also force themselves to eat when they're stressed, but don't do this. If you're upset, or not feeling well, consider just drinking some soup or tea.

6. Consider Talking a Walk After Eating
I usually take a walk around the neighborhood for 20 minutes or so, after eating a meal. Walking really aids digestion, so I suggest you follow this.

7. Do Not Eat Greasy Foods. Consider Digestive Enzymes
Greasy, and fried substances are extremely sickening, disgusting, and deadly for your health. Avoid refined carbs. If you must have an unhealthy huge meal (like a Chocolate Sherbert cake), consider taking some digestive enzymes while eating. I know the Garden of Life has a good brand. If you have weak digestion, I would also take digestive enzymes, as they really help in breaking down those proteins, fats, and carbs! If you don't have sufficient stomach acid, consider drinking some lemon warm water 15 minutes prior to a meal. Alternatively, you can try taking some malic acid, or vitamin c instead.

8. Consider Eating A Little Spice Before Meals
Pickled cabbage and ginger are awesome choic
es, as are umeboshi and sunamomo. These fermented foods really help your digestive system, as they help increase the acids. Commercial products are not that good, however. If you want to aid digestion, I suggest making homemade fermented foods!

9. Take a probiotic
Probiotics are basically human strains of bacteria that you can take in a supplement. These microorganisms are beneficial bacteria that aid digestion. Unfortunately, we don't get a lot of these in our diet due to pesticides, refined sugar, and insufficient intake of greens.

10. Practice Food Food Combinations
Always eat fruit alone - don't combine it with other foods. This means not putting bananas in your cereal! Fruits are ok if you mix them with other fruit, but some fruits are just not meant to be mixed together. Don't eat any dessert after you eat fruit, and more importantly don't eat fruit after eating meat.

11. Limit Veggies to 4 Types in 1 meal.
I sometimes put all my veggies in a blender, and blend them together to make eating them easier. Try to eat cooked veggies most of the time. If you have a weak digestive system, raw veggies are a no-no. Some veggies make you susceptible to lots of gas, such as brocolli. If you eat them, try to cook them with spices such as ginger. Indian food really make great use of these spices with all of their foods (which is why I love Indian food so much !)

12. Increase Digestion with Spices/Tea
If you feel sluggish after a meal, you need to ignite your digestive system. To do so, consider drinking some spicy tea such as peppermint during meals. Don't eat until you feel hungry.
Hope this works out for me!!!
True Love
Thursday, June 10, 2010
From Yellow to Orange: Our Country Wins!
The experience at the Congress was unforgettable. I was there to witness history unfolding. The proceedings went on smoothly. The only notable thing was the gusto that the crowd exhibited in showing their support for their winning candidates. On one side of the hall, were the yellow supporters of Pres Noy. Onthe other side were the distinctly massa supporters of VP Binay. It was almost like a meeting of the class A and B and the C, D, and E classes. Unbeknownst to many (especially the people occupying the floor in the middle, each with his or her own desk), there was a large scattering of people who were strongly for both President Noy and Vice President Jejomar, melding the two distinct segments. This is a winning mix of people - a phenomenon where the Philippines and the Filipino people come out victorious. This also spells a winning tandem between the pres and vice.
Imagine, with the top two men in the government pulling in the support of the people from across the social classes, they already have majority of the people's support. Now, with this in place, we only need a key to start the engine. To my mind, this key is the harmonious and supportive relationship between the two top guns. What will propel the whole vehicle forward is the passion of the volunteers... Without caring, passionate volunteers, our country will never move forward. If we don't watch out, our country might never hoist itself out of the ditch it has been stuck in for many years.
On to the GK event...
What is a GK Builders Night? It is a monthly gathering of passionate GK supporters where there is sharing of best practices, learnings and a consistent honoring of ordinary everyday heroes.
Smart's Mon Isberto talked about a concrete way of engaging a community and implementing socio economic projects.
GK Payatas 13's printing enterprise and fashion show.
Human Nature's Dylan Wilk: "I have nothing against those (talking about other Asian) countries, but the Philippines is my home." - Dylan on patronizing Filipino suppliers instead of the usual China, etc. More: "When minimum wage goes up, the economy of the country goes up. Money circulates fast, so (this means) more commodities, more jobs." Cited the budding Citronella production in Bicol.
Here's more on how Human Nature does it the GK Way:
- As a social enterprise, we fund the expansion projects of the poor communities supplying us. Since we are buying all their products, we are duty-bound to support them.
- Lemongrass profits 1m per hectare while rice profits at 50 thousand per hectare.
- For rejected products, the cost is shouldered by the entrepreneur instead of the poor community so as not to discourage them. Php 700 thousand was lost and shouldered by Human Nature.
- My (Dylan's) sincere hope and desire: that the kids and grandkids of my employees from the GK community be born in the same conditions as I did.
Peejay Nobela: a GK resident; now a call center agent and enterprise owner.
Upcoming: First GK HOPE Ball a fund-raising/auction on October 8, Peninsula Manila. I met Belize Balkir (Chairperson for the Ball) and husband Jonathan Crooke (General Manager of Peninsula Manila).
Entertainment was provided by: John Lesaca, one of the country's premiere violinist.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
The Pia Butter
Monday, June 7, 2010
Silver Spoons
I woke up this morning with Pia gone and Micah sitting up on the bed looking at me in a quizzical way, uttering, "Owww???" This brought a smile to my face and the moment i hugged her, Che-che appeared by the door on her way to pick Micah up and prepare her for her morning bath. My morning was promising to be a blissful one!