Monday, October 11, 2010

Battle of Wills: No one wins

Yes, it has happened. Clash of the Titans 2010. Pia vs her mom.

It was a string of "No!" "Why not?!" "No, Mama, no!"... for 10 minutes. Pia wouldn't give in. I wouldn't give in. We were at an impasse.

The debate:
First Party: "Pia, finish your assignment!"
Second Party: "Mom, finish na, no na!"

Pia's assignment was half finished. She counted all the pencils, safety pins, pots, question marks, etc. and wrote down (with a lot of resistance) the numerals but had yet to write down the number words. She was tired of counting. I was getting tired of her excuses ("i want water!", " look at my necklace, mom!", "i want to watch the big TV", "i want to write with this ballpen!", etc., etc.). And i was running late for work.

"Pia, if you don't finish your assignment, i will leave na!" I threatened. She replied, "No, Mama, no!" and sat on the floor to cry.

"Pia, get up. The floor is dirty."

Who would have thought that my little angel 
can exasperate the heck out of me!

Pia gives me a frown, her eyebrows scrunched, her eyes shooting daggers at me. She was the typical petulant kid.

I couldn't say whether she was just acting or if she was really serious.

And so it went on for another 10 minutes of yelling, supreme stubbornness and heartfelt defiance.

My patience was running out. Aarrgghhhhh!

I did the most childish thing: I went to my room and closed the door. However shameful this experience was, I will post it as a reminder to myself that kids are kids but parents should remain parents. And in this instance, sadly, I had failed to remain as one. (heartbreak) (tear)
